Beaufort Analysis No.305 – The Economic Consequences of the Peace

Following an October that witnessed significant downside volatility in financial markets, global equity markets have staged a modest recovery in local currency terms, with the MSCI ACWI up +1.9% to…

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Beaufort Analysis No. 304 – Fireworks or damp squib?

Chancellor, Philip Hammond, delivered his Autumn Statement last Monday, which he claimed was a business-friendly budget with rates cuts for small retailers and a freeze on duty for beer, cider and…

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Beaufort Analysis No. 303 – Declarations of (Monetary) Independence

The world’s rate-setters are on manoeuvres. After a decade of unorthodox monetary policy involving rock-bottom policy rates, quantitative easing and, in the case of Japan, intervention in the stock…

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Quarterly update from Beaufort Investment

Beaufort Investment’s Head of Portfolio Construction & Research, Shane Balkham speaks to Brian Davies from Beaufort Financial (Westerham) about what’s happened in the markets over the last…

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Beaufort Analysis No. 302 – Time after Time

Last week, China reported its slowest rate of growth since the Financial Crisis 10 years ago. The rate of growth was still a healthy 6.5% but this was lower than the expected 6.6%. It is, however,…

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Beaufort Analysis No. 301 – You can’t have your cake and eat it

Global markets have fallen over the last two weeks and given back much of the gains achieved this year. In the UK, both the FTSE 100 and 250 indices officially corrected by dropping more than 10%…

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Beaufort Analysis 300 – Stranger things

October is traditionally the scariest month of the year, as evenings start to get darker and days colder, our thoughts turn to the winter that is inevitably coming.  The same can be said for the…

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Beaufort Analysis No. 299 – Deal or No Deal

In the UK, consumer confidence fell due to fears of a Brexit ‘no deal’ and the outlook for personal finances weakened which could indicate a slowdown in consumer spending in the lead up to the Brexit…

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Beaufort Analysis 298 – “War, what is it good for?”

UK inflation surprised to the upside hitting a 6-month high of 2.7% in August, exceeding economist expectations of 2.4%. Sterling rose on the back of this data, which was driven by an increase in…

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Beaufort Analysis 297 – “Should I stay or should I go?”

The pivotal point of the Global Financial Crisis was arguably the collapse of Lehman Brothers, which triggered the final throes of the financial state of emergency and with it, the nadir just six…

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Emma Clarke is shortlisted again

Beaufort Investment’s senior analyst, Emma Clarke is a finalist in this year’s Women in Investment Awards, which recognise the achievements of women in the fund management industry. At the inaugural…

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Beaufort Analysis 296 – New highs and new lows…

We are almost three quarters of the way through 2018 and last week was characterised by new highs, new lows and some level of certainty. Amazon were the second company in US history to break through…

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