While YOUR Platform can be held inside a range of third-party SIPP/SSAS plans, the YOUR SIPP is the pension available on the platform.  It is a very cost-effective vehicle to save into for retirement planning and to implement via a range of drawdown options.

The features of the YOUR SIPP are as follows:


Flexible investment strategies and reportingYou can open as many pension accounts on the platform for each client as your planning requires. The SIPP administrator (SECCL) will manage the reporting as under one pension arrangement, but you can ringfence pots and invest in different strategies to best match your clients’ objectives as you plan for, and implement, their retirement journey.
Flexible top up optionsClient or employer regular investments can be made by standing order on any date. Client contributions can also be made by Direct Debit on the 7th, 14th, 21st or 28th.
Full death benefit flexibilityWe give you all the options possible to help you pass on the right pension to the right person at the right time.
Flexible transfersWe can accept crystallised, uncrystallised, partially crystallised, and beneficiary drawdown transfers. Each plan is marked as such and you can open sub-plans within each of these.
Flexible withdrawal optionsUsing one or a combination of the withdrawal options, you can manage your clients’ income to meet any planning needs:

Single or regular tax-free cash payments

Single or regular taxable payments from crystallised funds (FAD)

Single or regular UFPLS payments (lump sums of both taxable and no taxable elements from uncrystallised funds)

Flexible withdrawal datesTax free cash can be paid out on any date (allowing for any required trades to settle) via BACS

Taxable payments can be paid on one of four monthly payroll dates each month; 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th

Note that there is a 6 w/d cut off date for each payroll run for a payment (one off, or the first regular) to be paid
Small pots optionWe can manage the small pot option for withdrawals.


You can see the full keyfacts document for Pension via YOUR SIPP here.