The World In A Week – Interim Update

Should I stay or should I go (out)?  The Clash here is the interminable quandary between stemming the spread of COVID-19 and resuscitating economies.  Decisions have to be made without full clarity…

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The World In A Week – Are The Cracks Starting To Show?

Possibly. Donald Trump’s opinion poll ratings slid below 40% last week, the first time since 2017 pushing the Democrats into the lead. This weakness makes Trump even more unpredictable than normal…

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The World In A Week – Interim Update

The easing of lockdown measures in England was announced as expected, paving the way for a potential boost of the hospitality and tourism sectors, with pubs, restaurants and hotels among the…

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The World In A Week – Seasons Of Change

Following on from last week’s opening of some non-essential businesses, it is likely that Boris Johnson will announce a relaxation of the 2-metre social distancing rule tomorrow.  This should pave…

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The World In A Week – Interim Update

It appears to be more of the same for this mid-week update.  The predictable cycle of forward guidance regarding more economic stimuli, in order to combat the fear of unemployment numbers, and the…

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The World In A Week – The Doors Are Opening

It has been 84 days since lockdown in the UK was announced in which we have seen a period of great change and an immediate shift to our lifestyles. We have seen just over a quarter of the UK‘s…

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The World In A Week – Interim Update

Two important publications have been produced since our update on Monday. Firstly, we had the OECD’s (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Economic Outlook, which was predictably…

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The World In A Week – The Sky’s The Limit

Risk assets enjoyed another strong week at Friday’s close, led by US equities. It is almost incomprehensible to think that the S&P 500 and the US dollar are almost back to the same levels seen at…

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The World In A Week – Interim Update

They just keep on coming.  The latest in stimulus packages, at a modest €130 billion, comes courtesy of Germany.  This is for Germany rather than the Eurozone and was much larger than expected, with…

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The World In A Week – Lockdown Wind-down

The last week saw a broad risk-on sentiment emerge, with global Equities as measured by MSCI ACWI return +2.1% in GBP Terms. This was driven by Japanese and European Equities, while US Equities…

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The World In A Week – Interim Update

News flow is beginning to contain something other than easing of lockdowns and vaccines. Economies around the world are beginning to re-open, ahead of the schedules that were first announced back in…

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