The World in A week – Jeans On

Last Wednesday the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) received an Initial Public Offering (IPO) filing from Levi Strauss & Co, the US clothing manufacturer, to re-list on the New York…

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The World In A Week – Central Bankers Pause for Thought

This week global markets started to recover from an agitated final quarter of 2018 by inching upwards. The MSCI All Country World Index posted a gain (+1.14%), primarily led by the United States’…

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The World In A Week – A Sisyphean Task

Welcome to the new title of our weekly publication – ‘The World In A Week’. This replaces our previous ‘Windy’ title as it better describes what we are researching and publishing. The content will…

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Beaufort Analysis No. 314 – Groundhog Day

While it’s not quite Groundhog Day yet, it certainly feels like it. Last Monday supposedly marked the most depressing day of the year, when quite coincidentally, Brexit was very much the subject du…

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Beaufort Analysis No. 313 – Are the banks in good health?

Last week the biggest US banks reported solid fourth quarter earnings with most improving on the third quarter and beating analysts’ expectations too. This resulted in both Goldman Sachs and Bank of…

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Beaufort Analysis No. 312 – Charging into the New Year

After a tumultuous December, investors started 2019 cautiously. Global economic data pointed to a slowdown amid tighter financial conditions in the US. After the new year’s first full week of…

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Beaufort Analysis No. 311 – Which Direction?

When markets closed for the year last Monday, most investors would have been pleased to see the back of 2018, well, the latter part of it anyway. In their worst performances since the financial…

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Beaufort Analysis No. 310 – A day is a long time in politics

Harold Wilson once said that a day is a long time in politics. If this past week has shown us anything, it is that even an hour can be a long time in politics. The week began with Theresa May…

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Beaufort Analysis No. 309 – En Marche! (Towards Year-End Turbulence)

Wall Street finished last week with a bout of increased volatility with the S&P 500 down -2.3% on Friday in US Dollar terms; this resulted in the worst week for US equity markets since March.…

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Beaufort Investment finalist in Best Model Portfolio Service category – Professional Adviser Awards 2019

Fast on the heels of being named a finalist in the ‘Best Network’ category of the Professional Adviser Awards 2019, the judges have now confirmed that Beaufort Group’s Beaufort Investment is a…

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Beaufort Analysis No. 308 – Weather Forecast

“Earlier on today, apparently, a woman rang the BBC and said she heard there was a hurricane on the way…well if you’re watching, don’t worry, there isn’t!” The famous words of Michael Fish’s 1987…

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